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METADAC closed in December 2020 due to the end of its funding. Data access for Understanding Society, ELSA, 1958 birth cohort, 1970 birth cohort study (BCS1970) and the Millennium Cohort Study is now to be arranged directly with the studies. Contact details are on the individual study pages.

Understanding Society
Access to genetic data from the Understanding Society household study, linked with other data such as social and economic circumstances, attitudes, behaviours and health

1958 birth cohort
Genetic data linkable with many other biomedical and health or social variables.

Intellectual Disability and Mental Health: Assessing the Genomic Impact on Neurodevelopment.

The British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and lifestyles are among the largest and most detailed scientific studies of sexual behaviour in the world.

The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) is a longitudinal study of men and women aged 50 or over living in England. METADAC oversees data access for ELSA’s genetic data when used in combination with its economic, social, psychological, cognitive, health and biological data.

Experts in biobanks governance
METADAC committee includes academics from many disciplines, and participants from major UK longitudinal studies, and reviews policy issues on an ongoing basis. It governs access to samples of blood, urine and saliva from the 1958 birth cohort biomedical survey are still available for analysis, and blood and cell-line DNA.
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